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pdf BRAG Great Crested Newt Survey Training Popular

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Great Crested Newt Survey Licence Training Course flyer 2012.pdf

Great Crested Newt Survey Licence Training Course 2012


The aim of the course is to assist those that attend to make an application for a licence to survey for Great Crested Newts. The course will involve a short lecture on the ecology of the great crested newt followed by a practical session setting bottle traps on the Friday evening. We will then meet again on Saturday morning to check the bottle traps.

pdf Getting Toads out of Hole - Poster from KRAG Popular

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Information about the Getting Toads Out of a Hole project and how to get involved.  Please feel free to display or distribute this poster.

pdf The Adder Project data sharing agreement Popular

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The adder project - data sharing agreement v2.8.pdf

The Adder Project is a collaborative working group of regional herpetological specialist groups with the common goal of creating and populating a geographic and information technology toolset to generate an accurate distribution map for the adder (Vipera berus) across the south east of England. This is the data sharing agreement for organisations and individuals who would like to contribute adder data to the project


pdf The Big Pond Thaw Survey 2011 Popular

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Pond Conservation have re-launched our Big Pond Thaw for2010/11. Pond Conservation are using the information collected to try and get a fuller picture of the phenomenon of amphibian and fish deaths across the whole of the winter period.

It will also help Pond Conservation to plan more detailed research on some of the technical issues, such as whether 'toxic'gases play a role in the mortalities etc. So please download a form and send in your results to Pond Conservation

document The Crested Newt – A Dwindling Pond Dweller Popular

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The Crested Newt – A Dwindling Pond Dweller

by Robert Jehle, Burkhard Thiesmeier and Jim Foster

The beautifully presented book is a 'must' read for all those interested in the evolution, ecology, behaviour, conservation and management of crested newts. It contains 145 pages, 16 colour plates, and approximately 80 figures and tables.