ARG UK offers an insurance scheme to affiliated groups, to provide public liability insurance (with an excess of £500 on any claim). Further information on the scheme can be found in
3. ARG UK Advice Note 3 'Insurance Arrangements for Affiliated Groups' revised April 2018
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The scheme is free to groups formally affiliated to ARG UK. To benefit from this insurance groups should carry out the following four steps:
1. Confirm affiliation to ARG UK
Visit The Benefits of Affiliation page to find out how.
2. Incorporate health and safety considerations into all events
Most ARG events entail a very low risk of accident or injury. Health and safety measures should, however, be a routine element of all ARG activities. Activities must be planned to minimise the risk of accidents and group members must be adequately trained and equipped for activities. ARG UK has produced a generic
ARG UK Generic Risk Assessment
(216 KB)
ARG UK Risk Assessment for Toad Patrollers
(211 KB)
ARGUK loneworking procedures
(62 KB)
Information on Weil's disease from RoSPA.
3. Keep an accurate record of membership and fully-insured members
Insured ARGs should have a clearly-defined membership system in place and an up-to-date list of membership. Forms can be kept on paper or electronically. You can also download a volunteer working agreement here:
4. Keep a record of health and safety measures taken
Groups should keep records of training, attendance at events, risk assessments and measures taken to minimise the risk of accidents